Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 5 Shut down Power off


This has been a very tiring week, but interesting. I learned a lot about what is involved in creating video games. It is work! Code improvement will make it much easier. I look forward to the updates.

Day 5 Afternoon

Who supports and who benefits from your participation in this project? What other technology do you wish you could use or have support for?

The county and the school system support my participation (I sincerely hope!).

I would like to have the Elmo projector; printer/copier in my classroom with ink! ; wireless internet connection; more computers, perhaps on a mobile cart; and more education on different types of technology.

Day 5 Morning

My students are all competitive and most enjoy computer and video games. Using a video game will be one more tool to help them understand and analyze the material.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 4 Reflections


Today was better, even though my program crashed at least 10 times (7 before lunch!). I am beginning to understand the program and become accustomed to manipulating the parts that make up a game. Still quite a challenge.

Day 4 Afternoon

What interested you in video games as a form of teaching?

I know that most of my students love to play computer games. They are quite competitive.

I have seen a lot of educational video games. My sister has the handheld DSlite and plays Brain Games all the time. You can keep your scores and everyone else's. We are always comparinng our scores.

Day 4 Morning

Connecting with students

I listen to my students. I am OK with letting the discussion go in an unintended direction if the students are eager and involved. Many times a discussion of a literature character's problems invites the students to share their own insights, and I encourage and support them in communicating their ideas clearly.

I always have concerns. Are there students who are having difficulties that prevent them from being successful? Should I change my approach, or should I contact a counselor? Many of our students are dealing with personal situations that make learning vocabulary seem unimportant.
I try to remember that.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 3 Power off and Shut down


The code continues to be buggy, which is frustrating. I would appreciate user text on the windows that explains the options. I know documentation is the last thing programmers want to think of, but your users are teachers. I don't want to become a programmer to create games. I either want an intuitive interface that works just like Windows (undo, redo, right click for options) or more information on the screens to guide me.